Born on August 21, 1957, Keith W. Strandberg has lived an incredible life. He is married and has five children. Strandberg lives in Switzerland and travels often.

Strandberg's hobbies include: running, tennis, mountain biking, skiing, American football, martial arts, motorcycling and spending time with his family.

Strandberg is the captain and QB of the Geneva Warriors American Flag Football Team. Champions of the National Swiss Football League (NSFL) for the past four consecutive seasons, they also won international tournaments in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland and Besancon, France.

Click here for some pictures of the Warriors in action.

Strandberg has BA degrees in Chinese Language and Literature and Physical Education, and a masters in Film and Screenwriting. He is also a black belt in Isshinryu Karate.

Strandberg has been fortunate to have traveled the world for his various jobs. One thing Strandberg knows is that with all that he does, he is never bored.

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